- Shimeji Ee 1 0 6 Download And Instructions By Kilkakonofficial On Deviantart - First, get the shimeji app from the play store (it should have an orange ninja on the icon) get the rar extractor (exactly what the title of it is called) download puro shimeji from the steam page (link is in.
- A: Well, what you want to do is download a copy of a shimeji you know works, and just draw all the necessary images using the existing ones as templates (make sure to name them correctly, look at the ones currently in the folder for reference) and once you are done, you have your shimeji. Here is a more in-depth guide (Sorry for the cringey.
- For people who want a more reliable way to follow Undertale shimeji news, go to this tumblr blog: http://undertaleshimejis.tumblr.com/
- If anyone finds new Undertale shimejis, go to the blog linked above, and send me it as a submission. If you're not the creator, make sure to credit the original artist if possible.
- Also, make sure to start the shimejis with the 'Shimeji-ee.jar' file and NOT the 'Shimeji-ee.bat' or 'Shimeji-ee.exe' files.
- One more note: If a certain shimeji doesn't come in your OS, you can try one of the other versions, just know that if it doesn't work I can't help you.
- Q&A/Troubleshooting:
- Q: What is a shimeji?
- A: It's a little desktop mascot that runs around your computer screen, and occasionally throws windows off the screen and multiplies (If you have a mischievous version installed)
- They a named after a type of Japanese mushroom that multiplies rapidly, as these tend to do.
- Q: The shimeji won't show up!
- A: Make sure you're using the correct type for your OS. If you have Windows 7/8 and a 64bit operating system, follow this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuZZLCSinMk
- Even if you're on Windows 10, you might want to follow that guide anyway if it doesn't work.
- Make sure to have the latest version of Java installed on your computer.
- If you've followed these instructions and it still doesn't show up, that shimeji probably wasn't intended for your OS.
- Q: I want to make a shimeji!
- A: Well, what you want to do is download a copy of a shimeji you know works, and just draw all the necessary images using the existing ones as templates (make sure to name them correctly, look at the ones currently in the folder for reference) and once you are done, you have your shimeji. Here is a more in-depth guide (Sorry for the cringey dialogue in advance): http://builderofworlds.deviantart.com/art/TUTORIAL-Making-Shimeji-215921992
- Q: My shimeji isn't doing anything/keeps throwing my windows around or multiplying too much!
- A: See the 'How to Alter a Shimeji's Properties' tutorial.
- Q: My shimeji isn't climbing on windows!
- A: This is a problem I still have myself, but here is a sort of temporary fix I use: Go here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9whyp5v5xz13csp/Shimeji-ee.jar download it and replace your current jar file in the folder with this one. Then, make a new text file in the shimeji folder titled 'windows.txt' and put this into it (as it is formatted): https://code.google.com/p/shimeji-ee/issues/attachmentText?id=26&aid=260002000&name=windows.txt&token=ABZ6GAfUlVe4qkvO51OStf-NjNUykfHczQ%3A1448316146396
- Save, boot up your shimeji, and it should be working (somewhat, it's still really picky)
- Q: What are these 'Mischievous' and 'Calm' versions/what do you mean by 'Both'?
- A: Calm shimejis don't multiply or throw windows, mischievous ones do. When I say both, I mean that it's a zip file with both types in it.
- Q: I have a shimeji I want added to the database!
- A: Go to this blog (http://undertaleshimejis.tumblr.com/) and send it to me as a submission! If the original creator isn't you, make sure to link back to them if you can.
- Q: My question isn't on here!
- A: Sorry, I'll try my best to keep this updated, but no promises.
- Masterlist:
- Asriel:
- Preview: http://prntscr.com/9693xc
- - http://www.mediafire.com/download/2zono4ot68z1zrm/Calm_Asriel_Shimeji.rar (Calm)
- - http://www.mediafire.com/download/g5x1950kiz5n0iv/Asriel+buddy.7z (Mischievous)
- - https://github.com/lamialily/linux-shimeji (Linux)
- Preview: http://i.imgur.com/OUZW6mK.png
- - http://www.mediafire.com/download/wz5y1eaj9397v6h/Asriel_Shimeji-ee2.rar (Both included)
- Napstablook (Win 7/8/10):
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/ftdzafim4sp3ls7/Blooky%20Shimeji.rar?dl=0 (Mischievous)
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/34p33pnz1yn2izh/BlookyCalm.rar (Calm)
- Happstablook (Win 7/8/10):
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/2f5mnq0xwd2v4mp/Happstablook%20Shimeji.rar?dl=0 (Mischievous)
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/p4kh15jrjp652p7/HappstaCalm.rar (Calm)
- Sans
- Preview: http://prntscr.com/9694ca
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/76xtyaxudueax2v/SansUpdated%28Both%29.rar (Mischievous & Semi-Calm, Multiplies itself to 10)
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/8rmppj5041oe6ak/Shimeji+-+Calm.rar (Calm)
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/5c867fl27f65ueo/Shimeji+-+Mac.zip (Mac ver, Mischievous, Japanese UI)
- Preview: http://prntscr.com/9853gg
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/81vmu4zuolemz4u/LazySans.rar (Doesn’t move, one version)
- Preview: 36.media.tumblr.com/6423aefbd773de0f8f32b2b6ee7c83d9/tumblr_inline_nza2q43ItM1tfmrr4_500.png
- - http://www.mediafire.com/download/h66nqj6n1ywr3d6/Sans.rar
- Mettaton EX
- Preview: http://prntscr.com/9694h5
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/3adpha18os7yiuk/MettatonEX%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
- Preview: http://puu.sh/lEWhf/ccb9122734.png
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/57k860ikq0hyk89/MTT-Brand+Shimeji.rar (Both included)
- Frisk:
- Preview: http://prntscr.com/9694l0
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/q22o2cm7cvzg1u5/Frisk%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
- Preview: http://prntscr.com/9694oy
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/jc6g3nn391qxcqm/Frisk2%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
- Preview: 40.media.tumblr.com/e62bdd8c6a56d85b44ca3127bea8d714/tumblr_inline_nyytwbADGk1tsrwyv_250.png
- - http://www.mediafire.com/download/f55n6iti2dc0w1c/Frisk+Shimjeji.rar (Both included)
- Gaster (Win 7/8/10):
- Preview: http://prntscr.com/9694t7
- - http://www.mediafire.com/download/slfs6kh95jrkbrn/GasterFixed%28Both%29.rar (Both included, Win 7/8)
- Preview: http://40.media.tumblr.com/57fc86cd27e2f52cc107087d9bf0fa50/tumblr_nyo733GgKx1s6qim3o1_250.png
- - http://www.mediafire.com/download/cxc8ecmccdcvojn/Gaster2%28Both%29.zip (Both included)
- - http://www.mediafire.com/download/3h8xb1nf7bz1gqy/PreCoreGaster.zip (Both included)
- Chara (Win 7/8):
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/c54z3tcf1b8hken/Chara%28Both%29.rar (Both included, Black eyed and red eyed version)
- Flowey:
- Preview: http://i.imgur.com/BOqFfE7.png
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/k7gqye2miq8q86m/FloweyFixed%28Both%29.rar (Both included, Version with knife and without)
- Preview: http://imgur.com/oxgmzR8.png
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/wcs4pwyfedj7sx8/Flowey%232%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
- Papyrus (Win 7/8):
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/lxptc9aba4a8znd/Papyrus+by+Michiroon%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
- Toriel (Win 7/8):
- Preview: http://orig10.deviantart.net/66b9/f/2015/328/e/8/8504bf2fabc3792a243a97b6c20d3a8a_by_tremendous_by_design-d9hxjil.gif
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/vuae02a19g7td1c/Toriel%28Both%29.rar (Both included)
- Undyne (Win 7/8):
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/g8ifbla574ablsb/Undyne.rar (Both included)
- Temmie (Win 7/8):
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/95aula9bo1kob4b/Temmie.rar (Both included)
- Mettaton (Box) (Win 7/8, Mac):
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/h76v2cb4z9lzh16/BoxMettaton.rar (Both Included)
- Muffet (Win 7/8):
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/yxuj56uk4gdkoeu/Muffet.rar (Both included)
- Grillby (Win 7/8):
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/0lhvqsao0svnr8c/Grillby_PC.zip
- Asgore (Win 7/8):
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/vjtjwoy4wwweo4g/Asgore.rar (Both included)
- Mad Dummy (Win 7/8):
- Preview: http://undertaleshimejis.tumblr.com/image/136275844581
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/hn58oxbtcwafbla/mad+dummy+shimeji.rar (Both included)
- Shimejis in Development:
- Mettaton EX:
- http://marionecto.tumblr.com/post/133853749629/and-here-we-go-49-of-53-frames-but-i-suppose (EST Completion Date: 12/25/15)
- http://mettatons-of-puns.tumblr.com/post/132837683630/mettaton-chibi-im-actually-trying-to-turn-this (EST Completion Date: Unknown)
- Mettaton NEO:
- http://marionecto.tumblr.com/post/133854036554/next-project-mettaton-neo-shimeji (EST Completion Date: 12/25/15)
- Tutorials:
- How to Alter a Shimeji's Behaviors: http://pastebin.com/9y5kv7dq
- How to Change a Shimeji's Walking Speed and Cycle Speed: http://pastebin.com/XZ9wvsYL
- Shimeji-ee '/conf' Tutorial (In depth guide on action and behavior.xml files): http://pastebin.com/8xAHiRkQ
A fun way to customize your computer’s screen
Shimeji Ee is a Windows customization tool, which keeps users entertained with multiple animated characters on the screen. Developed by Yuki Yamada and revamped by Kilkakon, the open-source project lets you download cute characters on your system. These animations run around on the computer screen doing some fun stuff, giving respite from the monotony of working on a desktop. However, for it to work, the program needs Javascript and will eat up a good amount of CPU and RAM resources.
Shimeji Paradise. For those of you who don't know, shimeji's are cute little mascots that wander around your desktop. This blog is dedicated to those little guys, because who doesn't love shimejis? I am not familiar with all the characters on this blog. Download the rar of your choice. Double click the downloaded.rar file and a new window should pop up with a 'ShimejiHunterzombie1.7' folder. If that doesn't happen, you need an extractor like Winrar or 7zip 3. There should be a button in your program saying something like 'extract to'. Click it, and specify an easy to remember location.
Multiple customizations, fun characters, and more
Shimeji Ee download supports multiple customizations. The desktop ‘Shimejis’ or little characters on the screen are fun and interactive and give you an opportunity to engage with visual elements. The animations interact with icons, windows, pop-ups, and other elements, either hilariously disrupting activities or wandering about on their own.
Does it have multiple customization options?
Shimeji Ee offers multiple customization options, and you can do almost anything with the characters. For instance, you can change their appearance, add fun sounds, use different colors, etc.
The latest version of the open-source Windows personalization tool has been developed by Kilkakon in collaboration with Shimeji-ee Group. It’s called ‘Shimeji English Enhanced’ and has been completely translated into English.
How’s the interface?
While the program’s interface needs manual intervention, it’s straightforward, simple, and clean. Once you download and install Shimeji Ee, you can choose from a range of ‘mascots’. Since the program is open-source, fans across the world keep adding new characters to expand the pool of customizations.
How to use Shimeji Ee?
To run Shimeji Ee successfully on your PC, you need the latest version of Javascript installed on your system. If you already have Java, you can download the program’s ZIP file, extract the available options to a new folder, and run ‘Shimeji-ee.jar’.
The desktop customization program installs almost instantly and lets you start playing with ‘buddies’ from the get-go. The default animation quickly drops within your screen and starts moving around without any manual input.
Shimeji Arknights
The Windows customization tool is conveniently available in the computer’s task tray and right-clicking on the icon opens up a small menu. From here, you can select multiple settings and personalize the behaviors. However, you’ll have to work with XML files, which might need some technical skills.
Shimeji Area De Trabalho
The Shimeji Ee download comes with various tutorials and instruction guides to help you understand everything about features, usage, customization options, etc. It also gives multiple links to download other animated characters.
Are there any drawbacks?
The biggest drawback of this desktop personalization tool is that the features aren’t built-in, and the simple menu gives only basic functions. While this may be good for beginners, hardcore Windows PC users might get bored after a while. The tutorials explaining the program are only available on the official website and inaccessible from the menu.
With the fun Windows personalization tool, you can’t download new characters from the menu. As such, it can be quite tricky for new users to customize ‘buddies’ without going through a tedious process.
Yet, despite that, Shimeji Ee is still a good program to have fun with your Windows PC’s screen. While the minimal menu options can be a deterrent, it’s not very difficult to download or install new characters. Also, if you’re used to working with XML files, you can easily customize how the animations behave on the screen.
Our take
Simply put, Shimeji Ee is a Windows customization software program that lets users add cute animations as ‘partners’ on the screen. If you need to spend a good amount of time in front of your PC, this program can be an excellent addition. You just use the tutorials and instruction guides to get started without any hassle.
Should you download it?
Compared to other Windows personalization tools like Lively Wallpaper, Rainmeter, and Classic Shell, this one offers a simpler interface. After installing the app, you get only two characters. However, the open-source project gives access to plenty of customization options, adorable characters, etc.
If you want to make the interactions more fun, you can use XML files. With basic programming knowledge, you can personalize the program however you want. Shimeji Ee download is a good choice for Windows PCs to keep users entertained and engaged.
- Offers multiple customization options
- Offers multiple character images
- Allows for unique character behaviors
- Characters support interactions
Wilbur Soot Shimeji Rare
- No built-in tutorials
- Heavy on system resources
Shimeji-ee Desktop Petfor Windows
Shimeji Naruto